Get the Justice and Compensation You Deserve With the Best Truck Accident Attorneys in the Nation

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The Nation's Best Truck Accident Attorneys!

Here at Accident Lawyers USA, we collaborate with only the best big rig accident attorneys in the nation. Suppose you are suffering both physically and financially from an accident involving a semi-truck. In that case, it is essential for you to speak with an 18 wheeler accident lawyer as soon as possible.
We will connect you with a truck accident law firm specializing in helping clients who, like you, are victims of accidents involving large trucks. Whether you are entirely faultless or are partially at fault, you may be owed some form of compensation.
Contact Us today to connect with a local semi-truck accident attorney dedicated to you and your case.

Vehicular Accident Involving Trucks

Although all car accidents can be devastating, there is no doubt that a vehicular accident involving a larger truck like an 18-wheeler can be perilous. There are many factors that make big rigs significantly more treacherous in an accident than the average vehicle. From semi-trucks weighing thousands of pounds more than the average vehicle to the known risk of tired truck drivers, it is no wonder why semi-truck accidents often happen in the United States.
According to IIHS, “Loaded tractor-trailers take 20-40 percent farther than cars to stop, and the discrepancy is greater on wet and slippery roads or with poorly maintained brakes.” As a result, even the most alert truck driver may have difficulty stopping in time to avoid a tragic accident. With much of the nation having icy or wet roads for much of the year, semi-truck accidents are an unfortunate and frequent occurrence.
Furthermore, truck drivers are shockingly allowed by law to drive ten to eleven hours straight without a break. This is a significant amount of time without a mental or physical break from driving on long stretches of highway. As you can imagine, this can result in the driver zoning out or even falling asleep at the wheel. It is also regrettably reported that many truck drivers push themselves past the ten to eleven hour driving limit. They do this to strategically ensure they make it to their destination on time or even early. Unlawfully extending drive hours is known as one of the top reasons why there are so many semi-truck accidents every day in the United States.
Sadly, in 2019, it was reported that over four thousand people passed away from the estimated 500,000 large truck accidents that occurred. If you or a loved one is suffering from a large truck accident, it is crucial for you to hire a semi-truck accident attorney. Our network of big rig accident attorneys knows what to look for and how to ask the right questions to expertly represent you. In addition, they are knowledgeable about what steps need to be taken to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.
We urge you to Reach Out as soon as possible so we can get you the representation needed for your truck accident claim.


What happens if a truck driver gets in an accident?

It is frequent for truck accidents to occur, and they are very deadly most of the time. Truck accidents may result in catastrophic injuries, extensive property damage, and even death due to the sheer size and weight of the vehicle. Given how deadly they are and the amount of damage they cause, the at-fault persons usually face strict punishment.


An accident involving a truck may result in the truck driver’s employment being terminated, although this is not a given. Many factors determine whether a truck driver will be dismissed after an accident. These include the extent of the damage, any injuries sustained, and who is to blame. Most trucking accidents are the result of a truck driver’s mistakes. A truck accident victim must investigate the driver’s actions to see whether he or his employer (the business he works for) is to blame.


Police and insurance companies will determine who was at blame once an accident has occurred. When both drivers are to blame, a portion of the responsibility is divided between them. If the truck driver is found to be at fault in any way, they will likely be cited for the mishap. Regarding penalties and license points, being CDL holders, truck drivers usually face harsher punishments than non-commercial drivers.


When a transportation accident happens involving trucks, many businesses have plans in place to deal with it. Regardless of whether the driver is found to be at blame, the driver will almost certainly be required to submit to a drug and alcohol test conducted by a firm selected by their employer within days of the accident. If the truck driver is found under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident, their employment can be terminated immediately. The employer may even file charges against the driver for the harm that they did while intoxicated.

What to do after a truck accident?

Collision with a big commercial vehicle can be frightening for the driver and the affected parties alike. After the catastrophe, many people are usually left severely wounded and bewildered.

The actions you take following a truck accident may have a significant impact on your chance to collect compensation for the accident, but many victims are unaware of this. You might be entitled to financial compensation for your medical bills, lost earnings, and pain and suffering if you were hurt in a truck accident. To protect your rights, health and establish a solid case against the person responsible for the accident, you must follow the procedures mentioned below.

  • Medical Attention

It is vital to get medical attention as soon as possible following a truck accident, even if you do not believe you have been injured. Adrenaline rushes to victims of truck accidents may conceal injuries for minutes, hours, or days after the collision. Thus, taking recourse to emergency medical aid is crucial.

  • Make a Report on the Mishap

If you can safely do so, contact 9-1-1 to report the accident as soon as it occurs. The site of the accident will be investigated by a law enforcement officer who will write a report. Ask the officer how to get a copy of the report since it will be critical evidence in your injury lawsuit against the driver or the trucking company.

  • Gather information about the truck’s owner, operator, and passengers

Following a collision with a truck, it is critical for you to collect as much information as possible on the vehicle involved and the trucking company and the driver. Try to ask witnesses for any relevant information and do proper research on the owner and the driver if possible.

  • Use your camera to take pictures

Try to get as many photos of the accident site as you can if you can do so. It is crucial because substantial evidence may be lost or destroyed when the accident site is hastily cleaned up to ensure the safety of other vehicles.

Why should someone hire an attorney immediately after a crash with a commercial vehicle or 18-wheeler?

A commercial vehicle or 18-wheeler accident that you or a loved one were involved in cannot be treated as a standard vehicle accident. State and federal laws apply to all commercial vehicles, including 18-wheelers. Semi-truck drivers, for example, are restricted to a specific number of hours per day and need a special license. Hiring an attorney in such a scenario is required as they will investigate your case for potential breaches of trucking regulations by the driver. The attorneys also engage with specialists to quantify and reproduce what occurred in the accident and conduct a comprehensive investigation about the accident.


If you are involved in an 18-wheeler accident, the people involved may not be well-known to you. The attorneys you hire can track down everyone and everything relevant to your claim. Attorneys can track down the person who was responsible for loading the package onto the vehicle. A lawyer’s investigation also includes checking the truck driver’s driving record to see if there have been any accidents or infractions.


All of these investigations by the attorneys are done to figure out who was at fault for the accident and, more importantly, who should be held accountable for the damages caused to you. The trucker themselves are not to blame for every accident. Your ability to recover damages depends on identifying who is to blame for your injuries or losses, be it the driver, the owner, or someone else. But doing it all by yourself is difficult. Hiring an attorney who has dealt with 18-wheeler accidents in the past can work wonders for your claim.


An attorney can also assess your losses if you meet with an 18-wheeler truck accident and want to get the most money. If you try to estimate the worth of your claim on your own, you may underestimate or overestimate your losses. You may have to accept a low settlement if you underestimate your claims. If you overestimate your claims, then the settlement itself may fail.


Semi-truck accident attorneys usually have extensive expertise handling cases involving fatalities and severe injuries. They work with you and other professionals to help determine the fair value of your claim. As a result of that, the lawyers generally enter negotiations on behalf of you, knowing exactly what they want to achieve.

How long does it take to settle a semi-truck accident?

It is important to remember that there are three factors in play when you are involved in a collision with a semi-truck: evidence collection, serious injuries (or perhaps death), and insurance coverage. Due to the massive rigs’ of the semi-trucks and the sheer size and weight of those vehicles, multiple people suffer life-altering injuries that require extensive medical attention and even lead to death. In addition, more than one insurance plans provide coverage in these 18-wheeler vehicle accidents. As with the usual car insurance plans, most trucking businesses have a standard general liability policy and additional umbrella policies to offer additional coverage.


The good news is that your medical expenses and pain and suffering will be covered under such policies, but the involvement of large payouts means insurance companies extend the time it takes to get it. Depending on the severity of the injuries suffered by you and the quantity of insurance coverage, most personal injury claims are resolved between twelve to eighteen months. However, cases involving a semi-truck take longer to process since there is more money at stake. 


It may take much longer if there is a lawsuit involved. However, a lawsuit can be settled just before or even during the trial process, depending on the circumstances. The lawsuit and settlement procedure may take considerably longer when there is a lot of insurance money at risk. It is very unusual for a personal injury lawsuit involving a semi-truck to be resolved in less than two years. After the lawsuit is filed, a long process known as discovery is required. This procedure has you as the personal injury claimant and the key witnesses, including the driver being interviewed and the insurance company submitting written questions and receiving responses. Interviews like this are called “depositions” and are conducted in front of a court reporter, who writes everything that is said for the official record. To conclude, completing this lengthy procedure and settling a high-valued semi-truck accident claim usually takes a lot of time, but it is well worth it if you get your deserved compensation in the end.

Get in touch with an expert today.